Charles Wesley is attributed with writing approximately 9,000 hymns. Below are some of the best collections available to add to your library.

The Unpublished Hymns

Unpublished 3 Volumes

Approximately 1,300 poems and hymns of Charles Wesley were published for the first time in the three volume set from Kimbrough and Beckerlegge.

While some may argue that the published hymns are the most representative, it could be argued that these unpublished works show the genuine Charles.

My recommendation would be to read both.

The Published Hymns

John and Charles Volume 1

If you’re looking for the most complete resource for Charles Wesley’s published hymns, then you are looking for The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley.

This resource is 13 volumes. It will look great on your shelf. All of the volumes are available on Amazon. Here are links for each one, starting with Volume 1.

Volume 2
Volume 8
Volume 3Volume 9
Volume 4Volume 10
Volume 5Volume 11
Volume 6Volume 12
Volume 7Volume 13
Representative Verse Charles Wesley

For the person who is interested in the published works but not interested in 13 volumes, then the next best choice is the single volume by Frank Baker, Representative Verse of Charles Wesley.

Though this work is not complete, it does provide what it advertises: a representative sampling of the complete published works of Charles Wesley.

Lyrical Theology

Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley

For the person looking for a secondary source that provides some insight into the theology of Charles Wesley as expressed in his hymns, my favorite book on this topic is S T Kimbrough’s The Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley: A Reader.

Kimbrough provides both analysis and samples from the poetry and hymns of Charles Wesley in one volume. A truly helpful and insightful resource.