Charles Wesley on America (12 Quotes)
Charles Wesley had a lot to say about America. He wrote about his time there. He also wrote about Methodists in America, slavery, and the American Revolution.
Charles Wesley had a lot to say about America. He wrote about his time there. He also wrote about Methodists in America, slavery, and the American Revolution.
Charles Wesley preached extensively during The Great Awakening. He witnessed powerful transformations of both individuals and entire communities.
Here are twenty-one quotes from Charles Wesley about the gospel. They show the power, centrality, and effect of the gospel in Charles’s life and ministry.
Charles Wesley was a powerful man of prayer. Here are twenty-one quotes from Charles on prayer. They expose his heart and commitment to prayer in his own life.
Charles was adamantly opposed to the theological system of Calvinism. This does not mean that Charles opposed every doctrine traditionally held by Calvinists.
Charles wrote a lot about singing. Here are twenty-one quotes to give a flavor of the role singing had in Charles’s life and ministry.
What did Charles Wesley say about music? Charles believed that good music had purpose. That purpose was not simply for entertainment but to glorify God.
Charles Wesley was married to Sarah “Sally” Gwynne (1726-1822) on Saturday, April 8, 1749. John Wesley officiated the ceremony.
Charles Wesley wrote at least twenty-one different hymns and poems on Christmas.
Was Charles Wesley really an Arminian? Charles answered this question himself in the negative.